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5 Simple Steps to an Effective Landing Page

The importance of a landing page is often underlooked. Without a well-prepared landing page, your online marketing plan may altogether fail. Landing pages are crucial in piecing all pieces of information about your business together – creating an impact on the viewer sufficient to convince him or her to take action.

In this article, we will teach you how to make an effective landing page – something that can help boost your sales and grow your business.

But first, let us break down a few concepts.

Guide Points:

  1. What is a landing page?
  2. What is an effective landing page?
  3. How do you make an effective landing page?

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a site that a visitor gets redirected to upon clicking on a link, a search engine search result, a promotional email, or a PPC ad. Each site on your website, including your home page, is a potential landing page. And landing pages are designed to convert visitors into leads and ultimately, into paying customers.

To make it simple, this webpage that you are checking out to read this article may be considered as a landing page, and if it convinces you of availing a product or service, it may be considered as an effective landing page.

What is an effective landing page?

An effective landing page is something that can successfully convert a visitor into a lead and into a paying customer. It should be simple but with enough details to inform the visitor of what you can offer as a business – and the value that your products and services have and how they can change people’s lives.

It should also be easy to understand and navigate around. And it should have all the features that modern customers require – a PSP, a safe and secure site, and other information to inform the customer of the other options he or she has.

Your landing page should also be mobile-friendly - meaning it will adapt to the screens of mobile devices which is widely used around the world.

So let us get things started and discuss how you can make an effective landing page.

How to make an effective landing page

1. Think about your design well

There are several ways to go about this but the first step to having an effective landing page that converts is to think about its overall design. The design of the landing page is one of its most important components. It is responsible for making the content, features, and functions (like the CTA button) apparent to the visitor while making every part of the landing page coherent with each other.

Most effective landing pages are simple, clean, and organized and it highlights the most important parts of the page – the parts that drive your visitor to make a purchase.

When in doubt, go minimalist. You don’t want to show a cluttered version of your business – something that can drive visitors away. Make it straightforward and encourage your visitors to click your CTA buttons.

2. Think strategically about your content

Carefully plan what you are going to write on your landing page. First, craft an attention-catching header that encapsulates the overall purpose of the landing page. Do you want them to download an eBook that can help their business? Make sure to put it in the header. “Boost your sales. Free eBook” or “Knowledge is Power. FREE Business eBook.” When you are coming up with the header, think about a phrase that can convince a reader, within 8 seconds, to read more and check the other contents of your website.

Your overall content should provide actual value to your visitors. It should be carefully thought of, substantial, and proven to help actual people. If you are just going to put up generic content, your landing page will not persuade your visitors to visit you again. Worse, they will not click on your CTA button and will just look for another site that can help them with their needs.

3. Integrate trust signals into your landing page

Trust signals are features, contents, symbols, or logos that are integrated into your website that give off an impression to your visitors that you can be trusted. It functions just like the “verified” sign or the blue verified badge that you see on twitter beside the names that assure people that the content belongs to the name written on the account.

Examples of trust signals are padlock logos captioned with verified, or actual logos of famous companies (ex: trusted by media companies like CNN). Trust signals make the site more approachable to the visitor and make it easier for them to click on CTA buttons without fear of getting hacked or their privacy getting violated.

4. Forms should be short

Forms are necessary methods of gathering data about your leads and potential customers. And we understand that when it comes to gathering data, the more the better. But visitors to your site do not want that. Here, less is more. And the fewer the blank spaces they have to fill in, the higher the chance they are going to participate. So when visiting your site requires visitors to fill out a form, keep it short and simple.

If you really need more information from your visitors, reward them with a freebie, additional discount, or any incentive to encourage them to participate. Getting something from a company for free not only makes customers happy, but it also leaves them a positive impression about your business.

5. Match your landing pages with the right customer

Visitors of your website may come from the different marketing channels of your business and because of that, you have to make sure that the landing page that they are directed to match their needs and interests. For example, if a visitor comes from Facebook or other social media site and a marketing campaign is launched there that targets millennials, then the design of your landing page and its content should be crafted in a way that it would elicit a response from a millennial customer.

This is to make sure that the landing page is effective and relevant to the visitor – increasing the rate of conversion and sales as a result.


Now that you know what a landing page is, what it is for, and what makes an effective landing page, follow the guidelines on making a landing page so you will convert your visitors into paying customers in no time.

Remember, think carefully about the design and layout of your landing page as it is the foundation of an effective landing page that converts your visitors. After finalizing the design, think about the content of your landing page well. Keep them short, detailed but simple.

Don’t discourage your visitors from visiting your site again with lengthy, irrelevant content. And while you are at this, create an impression to your visitors that your website is safe and secure by sending trust signals.

When gathering information about your customers, keep your forms short. If you really want to gather more information from your visitors, reward them with more discounts, freebies, or any form of incentive to keep their responses genuine and sincere.

Finally, make sure that the landing page you have designed and created matches your target customer. These will all be worth it when you watch your leads instantly convert into paying customers after visiting your landing pages.

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